A Roof Over Your Head
A Roof Over Your Head promotes awareness regarding homelessness and individuals living precariously in Antigonish, Guysborough, and surrounding communities.
We support and assist clients to secure safe, accessible and affordable housing, providing assistance accessing and completing application forms and help with navigating supports services and resources available through collaboration with various community based partners.
We provide advocacy and support to clients regarding tenancy issues and housing placements. A Roof Over Your Head also educates and supports tenants and landlords regarding tenancy issues involving the Residential tenancies Act and Eviction Prevention.
What to Expect
Intakes are conducted in a confidential, non judgemental manner.
- The client meets with a housing support worker who will conduct a needs assessment. This usually takes 30 to 45minutes. However, it could take longer depending on the individual circumstances.
- Once needs are identified a plan of action is created. The Housing Support Worker will assist the client in achieving the established goals
- The client’s file will remain active until all outcomes are met

Who We Serve
AROYH uses a non judgemental, client-centered approach to serve anyone who is unhoused, precariously housed, at risk of becoming homeless, looking for housing, or looking to relocate to our service area of Antigonish and Guysborough town and counties.